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Find out about: memberships, fees & charges, housebound services, interlibrary loans, library policies, site map, Porirua Library phone number, Porirua City Library email address.


Library membership is free for Porirua residents or if you pay rates on a Porirua property or own a Porirua business.

Housebound services 

We have free eBooks, eAudiobooks, Beamafilm movies, and a free home delivery service if you are housebound

Interloans & requests 

Interloans costs are $5 for an article. $10 for a book within NZ, $15 for books sourced from Australia.


Standard loan period is 3 weeks, with 2 renewals.

Paying fees & charges for lost or damaged items 

No more overdue fines at Porirua libraries.

About this website 

Background info about this site, including a sitemap, privacy and accessibility details.

Contact Porirua Library 

Give us a bell, send us an email, or drop by and ask a librarian, we're happy to help.